
A new hub focused on clinical and translational research

RISE-Health is a one-of-a-kind R&D Unit established through the merger of four previous units within medical and health sciences: CINTESIS – Centre for Health Technology and Services Research and UnIC – Cardiovascular R&D Centre, both from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) and MedInUP – Centre for Research and Medicinal Innovation, from ICBAS – School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and CICS-UBI – Centre for Research in Health Sciences, from the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Beira Interior. 

Uniquely positioned to advance the frontiers of biomedical research and innovation from the bench to the community, RISE-Health consubstantiates a new hub focused on clinical and translational research in cardiovascular, degenerative, and inflammatory diseases, relying on a profoundly multidisciplinary panel of more than 1,300 researchers from multiple backgrounds, including basic and clinical scientists.

RISE-Health is supported by a broad and robust scientific infrastructure distributed nationwide, which significantly boosts clinical mass and enhances synergies, contributing to augment social impact. Headquartered at FMUP, this multicentric unit comprises 4 medical schools and 3 nursing schools alongside prominent academic centres and leading hospitals, emphasising the collaboration between research, teaching, clinical practice, and biomedical innovation. The broad spectrum of expertise encompasses digital health, health informatics and artificial intelligence.

As a comprehensive R&D Unit, RISE-Health represents a paradigm shift in the current Portuguese National Research and Innovation System, aiming for excellence in biomedical research and groundbreaking advancements in healthcare.

RISE-Health – R&D Unit Presentation (Booklet)