Bernardo Sousa Pinto

Bernardo Sousa Pinto

MD. PhD.

Bernardo Sousa Pinto is a researcher at the Center for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS), Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP), and Head Teacher of the Blended Learning Introduction to Clinical Studies Continuing Education Course.

He completed his Integrated Master’s Degree in Medicine in 2016 at FMUP and the Doctoral Program in Clinical Research and Health Services (2019) at the same institution, with a thesis entitled Use of Secondary Data, Health Technology Assessment Methods and Economic Modelling Applied to Penicillin Allergy.

Bernardo Sousa Pinto has more than 115 articles published in specialized journals and has authored or participated in three R packages.

His main fields of interest are systematic review studies and meta-analyses, health economic evaluation, health data analysis (especially in a digital health context), drug allergy, asthma, and allergic rhinitis.